20 Tweets You’ll Relate To On A Spiritual Level If You Overpack For Every Trip

Packing For A Trip: Funny Tweets You'll Relate To If You Always Overpack

Packing for a trip is an art and the world can be divided into people who pack lightly and people who overpack.

“I’m going for five days so I’ll need five pairs of underwear, plus another ten for emergencies,” you might say as you throw your entire closet into a suitcase.

If this sounds painfully familiar, you’re not alone! Some people were born to take an overnight bag on a week-long trip, and some people can’t get around packing for a trip without an industrial-sized suitcase and two carry on bags for good measure.

Here are 20 tweets you’ll relate to on a deep, personal level if you’re terrible at packing for a trip:




















(Lead image: The Rock / Instagram)

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