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Melbourne’s Hosting An Exhibition Of Food Instagrams

Melbourne’s Hosting An Exhibition Of Food Instagrams

How far have you gone for the perfect foodie shot? Stood on a chair to get that perfect flat-lay? Coerced your friends into shining their phone torch app on your food so you get proper lighting? We’re all a little guilty of it, so it’s probably time we were commemorated for our efforts, right?

Melbourne is hosting a Food Porn Festival this month, which makes total and complete sense.

Hosted by foodie bible Yelp, Melbourne Food Porn Festival – The Exhibition will be taking good-looking food pics from Instagram and putting them on display in a gallery, where their true artistry will shine.

Taking place on Wednesday May 18 at South Melbourne’s Smartartz Gallery, the exhibition will showcase 40 of the most stunning food porn images captured by Melburninan photographers. Looking at all that food is bound to make you a little peckish so there’ll also be a round of cheese, canapés, wine and beer on offer too. 

The one night only event will certainly have you scratching your head a little, and pondering one of life’s greatest unanswered questions: Are food Instagrams really art? 

A photo posted by Brae (@braerestaurant) on

Uh, yeah they totally are.

Melbourne Food Porn Festival – The Exhibition takes place on Wednesday May 18 at Smartartz Gallery in South Melbourne. Head on over to the event page to RSVP.

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