Here’s What 193 Days Of Travel Looks Like On 35mm Film

Henry King is a 22-year-old photographer who just moved to…
193 days. 16 countries. 56 cities. Melbourne-based photographer Henry King recently returned from a huge world-spanning six month journey with his girlfriend Amy and his Contax T2 35mm film camera. They travelled through Europe, the US and South America, from London to Lake Tahoe to La Paz, and dozens of places in between.
[related_articles]62424,54978[/related_articles]The 20 photos in the gallery below kinda say it all; flick through and just try to not feel depressed about your office job.
All images by Henry King. Henry is a Perth native living in Melbourne. Follow him on Instagram here.
Henry King is a 22-year-old photographer who just moved to Melbourne from Perth this year after traveling for six months last year with his girlfriend, Amy. He's currently finishing off Interior Design at RMIT and shoots film as a passion project on the side. He's looking to explore Central America soon. Follow him on Instagram.