These Adorable Rescue Pets Are Colorado’s Most Intrepid Explorers

Kristen Amiet is a previous AWOL editor, bona fide travel…
A couple of years ago, Cynthia Bennett and her boyfriend were looking to adopt a rescue dog that shared their love of the great outdoors.
[related_articles]64509,60251,53565[/related_articles]Set on a golden retriever mix, they were surprised to find themselves falling in love with Henry, a 14-week old “mix of shepherd, husky, boxer, Aussie [shepherd], and Staffordshire terrier” at an adoption event.
Just days after joining the family, Henry joined his humans’ adventures.
“I think we only had him for three days when we took him on our first hike, which was to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs,” Bennett told The Dodo. His sense of adventure – and penchant for peeking over high cliffs – earned him his “little mountain goat” nickname.
[related_articles]53402[/related_articles]This year, Bennette and her boyfriend expanded their brood, adopting a kitten – Baloo, a Siamese mix – to keep Henry company.
These days, Baloo refuses to be left behind when his family takes off on a hiking adventure, donning a harness so he can explore for himself. Bennett’s little legs do get tired on long hikes, so he hitches a ride in her backpack or on Henry’s back. Cute!
“He’s definitely not the kind of cat we can leave home alone on the weekend anymore,” she added. “I think [Baloo] thinks he more dog than anything.”
You can follow Henry and Baloo’s adventures on Instagram and, honestly, you’d be mad not to.
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(Lead image: @henrythecoloradodog / Instagram)
Kristen Amiet is a previous AWOL editor, bona fide travel addict, sometimes whisky drinker and full-time breakfast food enthusiast.