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Good News! Sea Otters Are Making A Comeback In California

Good News! Sea Otters Are Making A Comeback In California

In what has been dubbed a defiance of nature, southern sea otters are making a victorious comeback in their home of Morro Bay, California.

There’ll be more southern sea otters swimming around during the Californian summer (July through September) than has been seen in recent history. Last summer, over 3000 were spotted in the area which, if it remains consistent, is a figure big enough to get them taken off the endangered species list. Experts are estimating that this figure is only set to grow.

Adult Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) in Morro Bay, CA drifts out of the harbor on the ebb tide 14dec2007 Friday 14 Dec. 2007 - Photo by Mike Baird, Canon 1D Mark III with 600mm IS lens w/ 2X II TE and polarizer, on tripod –

The gloriously adorable creatures have been on the verge of extinction since the 18th and 19th centuries, where they were hunted for their fur. The LA times reported that because of this mass hunting, many people used to believe they had completely died out like the Dodo bird or Tyrannosaurs Rex. It wasn’t until the middle of the 20th century that they began popping their cute little heads up again in California.

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Morro Bay is a small, beautiful fishing town located on the coast between San Francisco and LA. Luckily for the town’s small tourism industry, the growing number of otters has brought people from far and wide.

And we don’t blame them. We sure are itching to see these furry little creatures up close.

(Lead image: Wikipedia Creative Commons)

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