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Your Friendly Reminder That Golden Gaytime Beer Exists — And You Can Get It In Adelaide

Your Friendly Reminder That Golden Gaytime Beer Exists — And You Can Get It In Adelaide

golden gaytime

Lamingtons, pavlova and the humble Bunnings snag are just a few iconic Aussie summer staples. If you haven’t already, prepare to add another to the list, because one genius has created what’s possibly the most Aussie thing since Vegemite on toast – Golden Gaytime beer.

The team at Adelaide craft brewery Big Shed Brewing Co have taken the crunchy-on-the-outside, soft-and-creamy-on-the-inside toffee and vanilla-flavoured dessert to create Golden Stout Time, a meaty black “dessert” stout.

“The idea came about when I was watching Masterchef, and someone made a deconstructed Golden Gaytime,” Big Shed director Craig Basford told Lonely Planet. “When I looked at the individual components, I thought, ‘That would actually work in a stout!'”

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Brewers at Big Shed Brewing Co. recreate the iconic Gaytime flavour not by chucking a few boxes of the dessert treat, but rather by incorporating flavours like vanilla, toffee and honeycomb into the brewing process.

If you’re keen on trying a schooner or stubbie of Golden Stout Time, you can do so at Big Shed Brewing Co. itself, or at select pubs and bars across Adelaide, like Gilbert Street Hotel, The Lighthouse Hotel in Port Adelaide and Sweet Amber Brewing Co. in Semaphore.

Oh, and bring some mates — everyone knows it’s hard to have a Gaytime on your own!

(Lead image: Big Shed Brewing Concern / Facebook)

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