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Dublin’s Guinness Storehouse Wants You Over For A Slumber Party

Dublin’s Guinness Storehouse Wants You Over For A Slumber Party

Are you a fan of the very heavy, very Irish drink we all know and love as Guinness? Yeah? How much of a fan are you really? Because if you answer that question well enough, it could get you the chance to spend the night at the actual Guinness storehouse in Dublin.

As part of Airbnb’s ‘Night Of’ series, Guinness is transforming their famous Gravity Bar into a hotel suite for one lucky super fan.

On April 24, the winner will begin at Arthur Guinness’ old home and continue on an exclusive tour of the entire brewery. Once they reach the Gravity Bar, it will be complete with all the perks: a Guinness pint shaped bed, personal butler, six course meal and, of course, unobstructed views of Dublin. Of course, all the food will be Guinness inspired. Better still, when you wake up in the morning the Head Brewer Peter Simpson will take you through the basics of brewing.

Photo: Airbnb

It sounds like a pretty sweet deal to us. The listing describes it as “stout-steeped and toucan themed”, which also just generally sounds like a good birthday party theme. You should write that down.

Your answer should be pretty creative, so get brainstorming. Surely you can’t let this good thing go without a fight.

Apply here with your 50-200 word explanation. Slainte!

(Lead photo: Airbnb)

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