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Grab A Drink, Because We’ve Teamed Up With Cork & Chroma For A Free Online Paint-Along

Grab A Drink, Because We’ve Teamed Up With Cork & Chroma For A Free Online Paint-Along

The fabulous people at Cork and Chroma have been keeping us all sane during *all this* through a bunch of online paint-and-sip demos. We’re a bit obsessed, so we’ve teamed up with the art studio and our mates at Bombay Sapphire to put on a special free, live-streamed paint-along demo.

This is a totally fresh paint-and-sip format. The arty folks at Cork and Chroma will give insights into the creative decision making that brings your painting to life.

“Painting is about making a bunch of tiny decisions for your piece,” Cork and Chroma founder Hillary Wall says. “I always find it helpful when I get to see and hear about decisions that other artists make and how they made them. It demystifies the creative process and allows us to understand each other.”

Because we’re counting down the days until we can start travelling again, we worked with Cork and Chroma to create an artwork especially for this event. We’ll be creating a piece inspired by a gorgeous Aussie road trip.

On Friday, May 22 we’re streaming a free Cork and Chroma online paint-and-sip demo on Facebook Live at 4pm.

Running for a bit over an hour, Wall will show everyone who tunes in how to paint a landscape inspired by our beautiful country.

As with other Cork and Chroma streams, you’ll need a few supplies to follow along at home. One of Cork and Chroma’s pre-packaged paint kits is a good place to start. You can pre-order and pick them up at the following locations between 12pm and 4pm on Wednesday, May 20:

44 Montague Road, South Brisbane in QLD

36 Smith Street, Collingwood in VIC

55 Holt Street, Surry Hills in NSW

Or, if you’d prefer to source them yourself, here’s what you’ll need:

  • Student-grade acrylic paints (a basic set of white, cool red, warm red, cool blue, warm blue, cool yellow, warm yellow, black)
  • a palette (or plate/ceramic dish)
  • a container for water
  • an old towel or washrag
  • paint brushes
  • something to paint on (stretched canvas, paper, cardboard, canvas board, your bedroom wall… anything!)

If you can’t get supplies, don’t worry. “If you don’t have a canvas, paint on a piece of old cardboard or thick paper,” Hillary says. “We’ve had people ‘paint’ along in crayon before, so join in however you can and give yourself the gift of slowing down to make something.”

No Cork and Chroma demo would be complete without drinks, of course. Better make sure you’ve got a glass of wine or a cocktail ready (might we suggest a Bombay Sapphire G&T?) — just be sure not to confuse it with the water you’re dunking your brushes into!

The exclusive live demo will stay up on the AWOL Facebook page so you can pause, rewind, or rewatch as often as you like, Bob Ross -style. You’re welcome.

With a big sprawling sky and a highway taking us somewhere new, we hope this painting inspires a lightness and freedom in you while adding a bit of creative spirit to your iso.

You can RSVP right here. See you on Friday at 4. BYO!

(Images courtesy of Cork and Chroma)

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