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A Stranded Family Was Rescued By The Hogwarts Express

A Stranded Family Was Rescued By The Hogwarts Express

Jacobite steam train

Sometimes, even the best-laid plans go awry. That’s what happened to the Cluett family, who awoke on a recent camping trip to find their canoe had been washed away by a flooded river near Scotland’s Loch Eilt.

Jon and Helen Cluett and their four kids (all aged between six and 12 years) were around 5km from their car with no clear path to reach it as inclement weather had made the ground muddy and difficult to traverse.

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So, with no other safe options, Jon made a call to local authorities, who really came through with the goods.

“The policeman said, ‘We’ve arranged for the next train passing to stop for you’,” Jon told the Associated Press.


But, while they’d likely have been grateful for a lift from any old locomotive, the family were collected by none other than the dang Hogwarts Express (known to muggles as the Jacobite steam train).

Jon said his kids are all Harry Potter fans (obviously) and were “really excited” by how everything worked out.

“They know the Harry Potter films and they know that they are filmed in the Highlands, but they hadn’t put all of that together in their heads,” he added.

Fortunately, travellers can ride the Jacobite steam trains, and there are much more convenient means of getting on board. The 135km round-trip from Britain’s highest mountain, Ben Nevis, to Loch Nevis and back again runs in the morning or the evening, or both, depending on the time of year. Return fares start at $60 (£35) for adults and $33 (£20) for children under 12 years.

The canoe has yet to be recovered. We’d suggest they check the Whomping Willow.

(Lead image: Visit Britain)

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