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Cook Up Molecular Cocktails At Sydney’s Bonkers New Breaking Bad-Themed Bar

Cook Up Molecular Cocktails At Sydney’s Bonkers New Breaking Bad-Themed Bar

Ever find yourself desperately missing Breaking Bad? Rewatch marathons, the El Camino movie and Better Call Saul not filling the hole? Well, if you live in Sydney, you’re in luck.

In an idea equal parts ingenious and baffling, an interactive Breaking Bad-themed pop-up cocktail bar is coming to Surry Hills. It’s called, suitably, The Lab.

By Breaking Bad-themed, we mean you’ll mix up molecular cocktails like you’re, well, Walt and Jesse.

After donning a hazmat suit – yes, really – you’ll “cook and brew your own batches” of booze. At your disposal will be acids, dry ice, syringes and the all-important alcohol. (Sometimes a simple espresso martini or margarita won’t cut it, y’know?)


With these raw materials, you’ll cook up inventive cocktails using molecular techniques. And don’t worry, you won’t be winging it. The experience is guided by a cocktail expert, aka your lead ‘Cook’.

Obviously, this isn’t the sort of bar that’s made for drop-ins. Spots are limited, so go here to sign up. Tickets include the hazmat suits, 90 minutes of cooking and two cocktails (non-alcoholic concoctions are available too).


The immersive experience is put together by the team behind The Wizard’s Cauldron pop-up. That one has participants brewing potions and solving puzzles like tipsy Harry Potters.

And, in case you’re wondering, ‘The Lab is not in any way associated with or endorsed by Breaking Bad or Sony Pictures Entertainment.’ Head here if you wanna cook.

(Lead Image: Breaking Bad / Supplied) 

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