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Apparently Travel Is The Best Thing You Can Do To Boost Your Mood

Apparently Travel Is The Best Thing You Can Do To Boost Your Mood

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – travelling it the ultimate wonder drug. It helps you live longer, it makes you better at your job, and it will even make you happier in the long run. But if you needed any more convincing, a new study has revealed that travelling actually the number one thing you can do to improve your mood, beating out both exercise and shopping. The survey, which was conducted by, found that over 50 percent of respondents felt a significant attitude change while on vacation.

Over 1000 US adults took part in the survey, which also looked at what types of trips boosted people’s moods the most. While we already know that holidays by the beach have been linked to lower psychological stress, it seems romantic holidays in general make us happier. 38 percent of men and 34 percent of women said romantic getaways were the best for boosting moods, while 33 percent of all respondents said visiting family interstate or overseas was also great. And 23 percent of respondents said holidaying with good friends was their ultimate mood booster.


The survey also found that trips don’t have to be long to be satisfying. Four out of five Americans would rather take multiple, short getaways than one long vacation a year. Fittingly, 44 percent of respondents said they’d be happy with three to four trips this year, while nearly ten percent are aiming for seven or more trips in 2016.


While it isn’t really groundbreaking news that travel is a good mood booster, it certainly adds fuel to the fire surrounding the debate on the “post-holiday glow” and whether or not it’s actually a myth. Either way, we’re just happy this gives us yet another reason to go ahead and book our next holiday.

Book your next adventure with Qantas.

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