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Amsterdam’s Airport Clock Is Actually A 24-Hour Performance Art Piece

Amsterdam’s Airport Clock Is Actually A 24-Hour Performance Art Piece

From miniature horses in Kentucky to robots in South Korea, quirky airport features make travelling all the more exciting. And Amsterdam’s Schipol Airport has a truly unique way of ensuring travellers make it to the gate on time.

The Schipol Clock hangs 3m above the ground and and appears to be home to a permanent resident in the form of a man in uniform who painstakingly paints the time minute-by-minute.


Don’t let it fool you though — it’s actually just a video on loop, and it’s not the first of its kind.

Back in 2009, the clock’s Dutch designer, Maarten Baas, launched the series at the Milan Furniture Fair with Sweepers, in which two men sweep trash into a living time clock for 12 hours straight. After that came Analog Digital, which shows a man painting over and wiping clean panels on a glass screen of a standard digital clock, which was later developed into an app.

Each project, including the newest addition at Amsterdam’s airport, took 12 time-consuming hours to film.

Next time you’re travelling through Amsterdam, make sure you’re on the lookout for their resident time-keeper.

(Lead Image: Maarten Baas / Facebook)

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