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The 10 Most Expensive Hotels In The World Have Been Revealed And This Is How The Other Half Live

The 10 Most Expensive Hotels In The World Have Been Revealed And This Is How The Other Half Live

Things are looking a lot different for travel in 2020, heck maybe even for a fair chunk of 2021. One thing we can always rely on, however, is the insatiable need to gaze at luxury hotels and dream about what life would be like if we could actually afford them, even just for one night.

It’s almost strangely comforting that some things never change.

To fully delve into how the other half live, The Luxury Bed Co have taken data to figure out what the top 10 most expensive hotels in the world are (in Pounds). Here’s a list of all of them, for your voyeuristic pleasures.

#10 Baur au Lac, Switzerland


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A king size bed at this swanky five-star hotel in Zurich will set you back £3811 (roughly AUD$6,932). Not overly surprising seeing as it low key looks like a castle.

#9 The Ritz-Carlton New York, New York City


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If you’ve ever watched an American movie set in New York, you’ve probably heard of The Ritz on Central Park. It’s not a famous luxury hotel for nothing, at £3987 (AUD$7255) for a king bed.

#8 Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok


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Heading back to closer waters, we have Mandarin Oriental in Bangkok coming in at £4188 (AUD$7621) for a king bed. If you ever wanted to escape the riffraff travellers of Thailand, this is the place to do it.

#7 Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace, Budapest


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Not surprisingly, this won’t be the only time you read Four Seasons in this fancy-pants list. This palace in Budapest is £4365 (AUD$7943) a night for a king bed, and honey with the pool and the staircases and the chandaliers, I’m not even mad.

#6 Four Seasons Astir Palace Hotel, Athens


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At a slightly higher rate, the Four Seasons in Athens brings you beachside, infinity pool realness for £4577 (AUD$8329) a night with a king bed. I mean, it IS very glam.

#5 The Lanesborough, London


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Back in ye olde London, this hotel is part of the Oetker Collection, known for their five-star super luxury hotels. This one will set you back £4855 (AUD$8864) per night for a king. Honestly though, you can absolutely picture the Queen staying here while Buckingham is renovated.

#4 City of Dreams Macau – Nüwa, Macau


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And this fancy hotel in China brings us double digits at £5617 (AUD$10,255) per night. For. One. Night. It surely is a funky looking stunner though, taking its inspiration from a heroine in Chinese mythology with the same name (Nüwa).

#3 Hotel d’Inghilterra, Roma


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Considered a bit of a Roman icon, this Starhotels Collezione hotel will make you pay for the pleasure. It’ll make you pay £7261 (AUD$13,257) per night for a queen, to be precise. Rome is one of my favourite cities though, so when in Rome.

#2 Four Seasons Hotel, Buenos Aires


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Look who’s back, back again. This time we have Four Seasons in the lovely Argentina at £7759 (AUD$14,166) a night. Just look at this pool set up though? I’d never leave the hotel. Now would you want to when you spent an arm and a leg on it.

#1 InterContinental, Geneva


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I’ll be honest, a lot of what I’m getting from this list is that you should only go to Europe with a LOT of savings. Back in Switzerland, at an absolutely massive £9127 (AUD$16,664) a night, is the Intercontinental. I’m not mad that people can afford this, I just wish they’d pay off my HECS debt first.

(Lead Image: The Lanesborough)

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