These Zoo Live Streams Let You Hang Out With Adorable Animals All Weekend
A weekend stuck at home doesn’t have to suck. After working your way through our fun things to do in self-isolation, here’s another for the list: zoo live streams.
A host of zoos around the world are live streaming the daily lives of animals to keep us all entertained.
We usually turn to SBS for slow TV – lock in the upcoming doco The Chocolate Factory: Inside Cadbury Australia – but this could be a new competitor.
In Victoria, Melbourne Zoo and Werribee Open Range Zoo have aimed cameras at some of their most popular attractions. You can monitor all the streams in one handy browser tab.
Or cut straight to the stars: Melbourne Zoo’s incredibly cute snow leopard cubs.
There’s also the Penguin Cam, featuring a scene-stealer called Ed the Fiordland Penguin. (There’s a chance you’ll only see an empty enclosure, but Ed rewards the patient live streamer.)
Melbourne Zoo’s giraffes (who spend 16 hours a day eating) and Werribee’s lions (who spend most of the day lazing around) each have a dedicated feed.
It should be noted that the Melbourne Zoo is also still open for real-life visitors. Sydney’s Taronga Zoo and the new Sydney Zoo also remain open. Each zoo has introduced COVID-19 measures, including reduced capacity.
Live streams have also caught on at US zoos currently closed to the public. (Whether anything can compete with the adventurous penguins at Shedd Aquarium is another question.)
Via Facebook, San Diego Zoo streams breakfast with its Galápagos tortoises and other highlights. Its live cam options are hard to beat. The koala cam in particular is self-isolation goals.
Cincinnati Zoo is also live streaming on Facebook, visiting attractions like Hippo Cove and the Brazilian porcupines.
Georgia Aquarium has a very calming Ocean Voyager webcam, and one where you can watch Beluga whales.
Atlanta Zoo has a dedicated panda cam. Enough said.
Monterey Bay Aquarium has live cams for every interest, but the African penguins are a favourite. This should be enough to keep you occupied for at least one weekend.
(Lead Image: Melbourne Zoo)