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Adelaide Zoo’s Adorable New Meerkat Pups Have Made Their Public Debut

Adelaide Zoo’s Adorable New Meerkat Pups Have Made Their Public Debut

Adelaide Zoo meerkat pups

Adelaide Zoo today announced the litter of five unbearably cute meerkat pups were born in the early hours of Monday, July 24, to proud parents Miney and Swazi – the first meerkats born at the zoo in seven years.

They’ve whiled away the days since then hanging out in the family burrow, venturing outside for the first time this week and would you just LOOK AT THEM.

Adelaide Zoo meerkat pups

“The pups are absolutely tiny, probably tipping the scales at about 100g each,” Adelaide Zoo meerkat keeper and dream job-haver Jenna Hollamby said in a media release.

“The youngsters are still a little unsure of the big new world outside, but, with a bit of encouragement from mum and dad, they have started to explore their new home.”

Hollamby added that Miney and Swazi are killing it at the parenting game, tending to their babies’ every need and taking turns guarding the burrow.

Adelaide Zoo meerkat pups

While they’ll continue to spend the majority of their time inside in the coming months, lucky visitors to the zoo can catch a glimpse of the adorable fluff balls in their enclosure (in front of the giraffes). Hollamby says your best bet is dropping by first thing in the morning.

Adelaide Zoo meerkat pups

Adelaide Zoo is located on Frome Road and is open between 9am and 5:30pm daily. One-day passes cost $35 for adults and $19.50 for children aged between four and 14 years. Family passes cost $89.50.

All images: Adrian Mann, Zoos SA

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