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You Can Visit This Hidden Forest Home In Japan

You Can Visit This Hidden Forest Home In Japan

When people think of Japan, they tend to imagine the neon signage and the dim and crowded karaoke bars tucked away in its major cities. What often gets forgotten is the beauty of Japan’s countryside, which is as lush as it is understated. In case you need an excuse to roam away from the city centre, here’s a tease.


Located in Shizuoka Prefecture this structure is called “Jikka”, and it’s actually a private residence to house the elderly female residents of a small Japanese community. The women open up a public restaurant – selling locally sourced food – between the hours of 12 to 4pm, so everyone can have a slice of tranquility pie.

The separate, cone-shapes structured meet together to form a wooden collective. The architect, Issei Suma, says they were designed to be something as “unembellished as a primitive hut” but also as “holy as a chapel”, which is just so nice.


The mountain the site sits on was cleared and flattened by a previous owner, so these amazing structures are an homage to Jikka’s surroundings.

It’s fitted with an amazing pool, a gorgeous bathtub, a dining room and bedrooms – everything you’l need to escape the hustle and bustle of Japan’s cities.

(All images: Takumi Ota)

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