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You Can Slide Down An Ice Sculpture Of The Great Wall Of China

You Can Slide Down An Ice Sculpture Of The Great Wall Of China

Some people simply aren’t built for the heat; the very idea of applying sunscreen, getting sand everywhere, or dealing with tan lines makes them grimace. If this sounds like you, it might be time to consider getting away this New Year’s to a frozen wonderland where the temperatures are sub-zero instead.

The Harbin Ice Festival combats all your hot-weather fears. Harbin is the capital and largest city of Heilongjiang province in the northeastern China, meaning that come year’s end, the air is crisp and the weather is chilly. The festival serves as a vast winter wonderland with oodles to explore.


The huge festival covers 750,000 square metres with various icy themed areas, from frozen versions of famous buildings to quirky dream-like creations that look like something Tim Burton dreamed up.

Harbin ice festival

You can even slide down a frozen version of The Great Wall of China!

harbin ice festival flikr credit Rincewind42

Everything at the festival is made by hand – or rather  15,000 pairs of hands – and is entirely unique to Harbin. Once the sun goes down, a technicolour light show begins, colouring the crystal clear ice.


Check out the festival’s website for more info.

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