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You Can Now Go On A Chocolate Adventure At Singapore’s Willy Wonka Garden

You Can Now Go On A Chocolate Adventure At Singapore’s Willy Wonka Garden

If you’re the type of person who watched Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory and wished that it existed IRL (so, all of us, right?), then Singapore has made your dreams come true.

Singapore’s Universal Studios on Sentosa Island has introduced a brand new attraction for all those with a sweet tooth. A Chocolate Adventure consists of dipping marshmallows into one of four chocolate fountains and decorating a giant lollipop to add to the lollipop garden.

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The rest of the adventures are much more suited to children, like the chocolate mini-hedge maze and cake decorating workshop. Which, I mean, fine. Let the kids have it. But I’d decorate a mean cupcake and they know it.

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There are also a bunch of stalls selling delicious chocolate treats. Even very strange ones like Nutella cheese fries and fried chicken with chocolate. Hmm. Maybe it’s a “you’ve just gotta try it” type of thing?

Photo: RW Sentosa Blog

For more details, head here.

(Lead image: RW Sentosa Blog)

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