You Can Now Camp Out Overnight In A Taxi In NYC
In a case of what can only be described as “only in New York”, someone has renovated an old NYC taxi cab into swanky living quarters that you can rent out for the night.
This iconic NYC yellow cab has been fitted with a comfortable two-person bed, fluffy pillows, sheets and a portable air-conditioner for those hot summer nights.
The taxi relocates every few months but finds a home for the night right in Manhattan overlooking the East River and Brooklyn. Guest reviews state it’s fantastically niche and really quite handy being so close to the subway and surrounding areas.
A night in the NYC taxi camper will set you back around $82AUD a night. Check out the Airbnb listing here.
(All images: Airbnb)
Check out Qantas flights to the weird and wonderful New York City here.