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Winter Is Here: Snow Has Arrived At Australia’s Ski Fields

Winter Is Here: Snow Has Arrived At Australia’s Ski Fields

Winter has officially arrived in Australia, and the weather is cooling down, and fast. So fast, in fact, that snow is falling at several of Australia’s ski fields, two weeks before the ski season officially begins.

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Perisher has opened a week early. Photo: Instagram/@sfcaustralia

Australia’s largest ski resort, Perisher, saw more than 20cm of snowfall over the weekend. All four areas of the resort – Perisher Valley, Blue Cow, Smiggin Holes and Guthega are now covered in white ahead of the season launch on June 10.

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Perisher this week. Photo: Instagram/@Snowyweekender

Meanwhile, Mt Buller saw 10-15 cm of snow on Sunday, while 20cm of snow reached Thredbo’s mountain, and an additional 5cm over the ski village.

Winter has well and truly arrived in Mt Buller. Photo: Instagram/@wynstonc

Temperatures have well and truly dropped to allow for heavier snowfall than usual; Thredbo saw the mercury fall as low as -5 degrees celsius, while Perisher Valley is also enjoying the freezing early winter temperatures.

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Thredbo this week. Photo: Instagram/@Davidnorris

As Australia gears up for what’s looking to be a cold, and fruitful white winter, it looks like snowmaking machines and snow guns may well not be as necessary as they had in previous years.

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Snow falling over Thredbo. Photo: Instagram/@janestcatherine

While Australia may not be home to the most unusual ski resorts around, more resorts are popping up each year to satisfy skiing addicts across the country. The newly renovated Astra Lodge in the Victorian Alps looks like a particularly fancy addition to the 2017 ski season.

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Thredbo’s snow season is already in full swing. Photo: Instagram/@imashagardige

(Lead image: Astra Lodge/Facebook)

Thredbo’s just a two and a half hour drive from our nation’s capital. Head to Canberra before hitting the road.

[qantas_widget code=CBR]Want to check out the museum for yourself? Book flights to Canberra today.[/qantas_widget]
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