What’s On Without Leaving: Getting Out Of The House

Slowly but surely, we are heading back to normal. Or at least, to a new normal that still means we can start planning trips around our owns states, if not around the country (fingers crossed it happens soon). So then, what’s on now?

So. Many. Things. Most of us can invite a few friends over, or get out of the house, and even start planning a trip or two. We’ve rounded up the best experiences to help you make the most of it.


#1 Our live paint-a-long

Yearn for the days of Bob Ross doing his thing and soothing souls while he’s at it? So do we, so we joined with Cork & Chroma to set up a a live-stream paint-a-long demo for you today at 4pm. Details here.

#2 Your fave movie, and drink to it

Need a new drinking game now you can have a few mates over? We’ve rounded up the best games for classic movies. You’re welcome. Details here.

#3 This IKEA blanket fort

Строим DÖMIK!
Думаете, чем еще заняться с детьми?

Постройте вместе с ними домик.
Да-да, такой, как в детстве, который…

Posted by ИКЕА Россия – IKEA on Friday, May 8, 2020

Yep, your favourite flat pack furniture makers have released instructions to build your very own, state-of-the-art, blanket fort. Please fill with cosy blankets and pillows. Details here.

#4 Your own country

Whether it’s in your own state, or around the country, the time for holidays is almost back again. If you’re thinking of hitting the road, we got tips from someone who’s done it. Details here.


#5 Air fryed Caramello Koalas (or Freddo Frogs)

This magical recipe was shared on the Share Kmart Air Fryer Recipes Australia Facebook group, so we gave it a go. The result a magic and you HAVE to try it. Details here.

#6 Go back to your fave restaurant

We’re back baby! Well, at least Sydney is, with cafes, restaurants and bars opening up for 10 diners at a time. We’ve made a list of some of our faves and what they’re offering. Details here.

#7 Have a local whisky


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We have some epic distilleries in Australia, serving up world class whisky (yes, they have the awards to prove it). You can order their stuff online, but more excitingly, it’s almost time to go visit them IRL. Details here.

#8 Make Tim Tam Brownies

Because there’s never such thing as too much chocolate, particularly on cold weekends, this recipe released by Arnott’s Biscuits is not to be missed. Details here.


#9 Shake your booty


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Remember that awesome video for Justin Beiber’s Sorry? And the all-girl dance crew who were featured? Well tonight from 6-7pm AEST they’ll show you how it’s done. Details here.

#10 Hire out your fave bar

YEP! Many places around the country are letting you hire them exclusively for private use, when you never could have before. Party time! We’ve collected some of our fave options Australia-wide. Details here.

#11 Get ready for mushroom season


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Prepare yourselves South Australia, because it’s coming up to mushroom hunting season around Adelaide. Don’t worry, you can go with a pro. Details here.

#12 Sign up for free beer

Melbourne, on June 1 your pubs, bars and restaurants will join the rest of us in opening up for limited patrons. This brewery would like to celebrate by giving 5000 of you free beer. Details here.

(Lead Image: Pexels /gya den)

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