Wes Anderson-Inspired Luggage Is Perfect

Rebecca Russo is a freelance writer, editor, community radio dabbler,…
There’s no denying Wes Anderson has a distinct eye for detail – so much so it’s been copied and parodied many a time. If you take a look at The Grand Budapest Hotel, Fantastic Mr Fox and Rushmore, there’s certainly no question who’s behind this kitschy and unmistakable aesthetic.
The technical precision, the colour palette and his rolodex of recurring actors all link back to the colourful and mystical universe created by the Oscar-nominated director. In terms of covetable items, there’s no doubt you’ll remember Richie Tenenbaum’s tracksuits, Steve Zissou’s red beanie, and Suzy Bishop’s ’60s-inspired outfits in Moonrise Kingdom.
And who can forget the monogramed luggage owned by the estranged Whitman brothers in The Darjeeling Limited? The 2007 film tracked the three Whitmans as they travelled across India – all with their super cool luggage in tow.
Though the original Marc Jacobs-designed luggage was auctioned off after filming, Very Troubled Child (aka Italian designer and Wes Anderson superfan Alberto Favaretto) have released luggage that pays homage to Anderson’s chic and colourful style.
Made from leather, these items can even be personalised with your own initials. Ooh la la.
Kitsch it up and splurge on some cool Wes Anderson inspired luggage – you know you want to. Check out Very Troubled Child here.
(h/t Oyster Mag; Images: Very Troubled Child)
Rebecca Russo is a freelance writer, editor, community radio dabbler, occasional hiker and autobiography enthusiast. She has written for online publications including Junkee, The Cusp, Fashion Journal and Tone Deaf. Find her online here.