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The Ridiculous Game Of Tram Bowling Is Our New Fave, Very Wholesome Sport

The Ridiculous Game Of Tram Bowling Is Our New Fave, Very Wholesome Sport

Sport. It’s been around forever and it’s been linked to athletes, team merchandise and questionable mascots. Everyone has a favourite sport and personally, I’m a fan of tram bowling.


Last weekend, 50 of the best tram drivers (athletes, for the purpose of this article) in Brussels went head to head in the eighth annual European Tram Driver Championship. Their mission: to determine who the best athlete (tram driver) in the country is.

tram bowling
Image: Tram-EM European Tramdriver Championship / Facebook

That may not have been the official purpose of the event, but it’s better than any press statement so let’s go with it.


The fierce competition saw trams from across Europe participating in a series of six challenges — one timed how quickly a tram could stop without hitting a cone, another measured how well the drivers could time an emergency brake to come to a stop as close as possible to a marker on the ground.

But the best challenge of the entire weekend/the history of sports was tram bowling.

The premise is simple: trams take a short run up to drive as quickly as possible into a giant rubber ball, hitting it into a stack of inflatable bowling pins. And the whole thing is timed for some reason. It’s incredible.

Because I know you’re dying to find out who won the competition, Brussels took out the top spot, with Moscow coming in second and Oradea, a city in Romania, third.

You can watch a highlight reel of this year’s competition below. It’s very wholesome content and maybe I want to become a tram driver now?

The European Tram Driver Championship takes place every year, and it’s heading to Oradea, Romania in 2020, so start planning your European vacay now.

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(Lead image: Tram-EM European Tramdriver Championship / Facebook)

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