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You Can Order A ‘Hangover Package’ Via Emoji At This Hotel

You Can Order A ‘Hangover Package’ Via Emoji At This Hotel

The future is here – you can now order room service just by texting emojis at this Manhattan hotel.


Call it lazy or call it innovative, Aloft Hotels in New York City announced a brand new feature to their in-room service called TiGi – or Text it, Get it. Each room in the Manhattan hotel includes an emoji menu with six different packages that guests can order via text – all they have to do is send a particular set of emojis (plus their name and room number) to the front desk.

Packages include ‘The Sightseer’ (Statue of Liberty emoticon) for $30USD, which provides guests with a helpful NYC travel package, ‘The Munchies’ (chocolate, lollipop and cookie emoticons) for $10USD which indulges a late night sweet tooth, and ‘The Hangover’ (water droplet, pill and banana emoji) for $10USD which gets you all the fixings to save you after a big night out. It’s super handy for those morning when you’re actually too dusty to talk.



But lets be honest, this so-called “menu” is missing one iconic New York item, and it’s kind of a travesty it’s been left off.

frequetly used

C’mon guys – get with the program. Pizza is what the people want.

You’ve gotta try this – check out Qantas flights to New York City here.

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