Someone Has Actually Ranked Every American State
We all know Maine has the best lobster, California has the best weather, Colorado has the best snow, and New York has the best pizza. But what’s the best American state overall?
Notorious lifestyle site Thrillist has put together what they describe as the “definitive” ranking of all 50 states based on their contributions to the US as a whole – from food/drink to physical beauty, inventions to “somewhat productive famous people”.
Michigan – of all places – has topped the list, beating out the likes of Kentucky, Colorado, California and even Hawaii. While Detroit’s recent renaissance is acknowledged, the team at Thrillist have praised Michigan’s unparalleled coastline, over-supply of craft beer and its unspoiled Upper Peninsula, which they describe as “so remote and uniquely beautiful that it almost feels like a secret 51st state”.

But while the people of Michigan are no doubt cracking open a bottle of Founders in celebration, spare a thought for poor Floridians, who are dealing with the news their sunny state has ranked last. But they’re taking it with a grain of salt. “We’ve got Walt Disney World,” wrote local newspaper The Sun-Sentinel. “And our alligators are so fast they can actually outrun a human.”
Looks just terrible, doesn’t it?

(Lead image by Jeffrey/Flickr)
Thrillist’s Top 10 US States
10. Colorado
9. California
8. Washington
7. Minnesota
6. Hawaii
5. Louisiana
4. Wisconsin
3. Kentucky
2. Maine
1. Michigan