Qantas Flew A Convoy Of Koalas To Singapore
In the most Australian thing to perhaps ever happen, a bunch of koalas took a Qantas flight to their overseas vacation yesterday flying in the purpose-named “Koala Class”.
The four koalas are being gifted to the acclaimed Singapore Zoo for six months where they will live inside of a world class koala exhibit. The gift will be made permanent once Singapore Zoo can support a koala colony. The koalas are being lent from the Lone Pine Sanctuary in Brisbane, whose staff have helped prepare the Singapore Zoo for the koalas to go on show.
The koalas are travelling to Singapore to celebrate the warm ties between Australia and Singapore on the 50th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic relations, as well as the 50th anniversary of Singapore’s independence.
As well as safely delivering the bundles of joy, Qantas will also be taking supplies of fresh eucalyptus twice weekly to Singapore Zoo for the duration of their stay.