Professional Photographers Are Included On Group Tours Now
We all know the question that arises from a lonely tree falling in the woods, but here’s an update for the social media generation: if you go on a holiday and you don’t Instagram it, did it ever really happen?
A travel company in the US is taking advantage of our incessant need to share things via social media by including a professional photographer on each group trip. El Camino is a group trip company that promises to make you feel like a traveller instead of a tourist with their authentic, curated travel experiences. They offer everything a regular our company does – some meals, some food tours and some parties – and one thing that’s pretty unique.
Currently offering adventures through Colombia and Nicaragua, each group consists of 10-12 individuals and also a talented personal photographer who supplies a host (20+ daily) of Instagram-ready travel photos of your trip each morning that you can immediately share on your socials.
The philosophy behind this is that it allows you to leave your phone at the door and live in the moment – all while someone else captures those had-to-be-there scenes. It definitely seems to be working for El Camino – all of their 2015 tours have sold out, and they’ve recently announced their 2016 tour dates which you can check out here.
(All images: El Camino)