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Now There Are Oak-Flavoured Allen’s Lollies To Go With Your Allen’s Lolly-Flavoured Oak

Now There Are Oak-Flavoured Allen’s Lollies To Go With Your Allen’s Lolly-Flavoured Oak

First, there was the Allen’s lolly flavoured Oak range in Fantales, Pineapples and Peppermint Crisp that blew our minds and frankly still has me confused. Now, Allen’s have turned the tables by bringing out Oak Flavoured Allen’s Lollies.

As you might expect, the flavour overhaul is happening to the Milk Bottle lollies — you know, the ones that you either love or hate.

These classic gummies have been around since the 70s, so it was about time they got a freshen up.

The new Milk Bottles will come in two Oak-inspired packs. One will be featuring classic Oak flavours like creamy Chocolate, sweet Strawberry and delicious Vanilla Malt.

Image: Provided / Allen’s Lollies

The other is targeted more towards you coffee addicts out there, with just coffee-flavoured Milk bottles inspired by OAK Iced Coffee.

Image: Provided / Allen’s Lollies

If the excitement around lolly-flavoured Oak milk was anything to go by, this new twist on a classic favourite (or complete opposite of a favourite, depending on where your personal tastebuds fell) will whip you all into a frenzy.

So then it’s a good thing the mixed bag is already in Coles, Woolies and independent grocery stores around Australia, for your tasting pleasure. The coffee-flavoured packs are also out, but in Coles and independent grocery stores. Either way, they’re both RRP $2.99.

(Lead Image: Provided / Allen’s Lollies)

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