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Relive Your Favourite TV Moments At These Iconic NYC Locations

Relive Your Favourite TV Moments At These Iconic NYC Locations

Sex and the City

NYC is famous for it’s iconic skyline, bustling nightlife and incredible architecture — it’s no wonder so many of our favourite TV shows are filmed in the City That Never Sleeps.

If you ever find yourself in New York and feel like reliving some of your favourite small-screen moments, you can.


Image: Warner Bros.

As much as we wish the best TV show of all time* was filmed in NYC, it was actually mostly set in a Los Angeles studio lot. At the Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank, California, you can find Monica and Rachel’s apartment and Central Perk, among others.

However, most of the exterior shots were taken in NYC. The apartment building Rachel, Monica, Joey and Chandler lived in for the best part of all 10 seasons, Ross’ Museum of Natural History, and Chandler’s office can all be found in the city.

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Where: You’ll find the apartment at 90 Bedford Street in Greenwich Village, while the American Museum of Natural History is at the junction of 79th Street and Central Park West.

Gossip Girl

Image: The CW

The Upper West Side’s Empire Hotel was Chuck Bass’ first purchase as a baby mogul on Gossip Girl. The actual hotel has a lineup of Gossip Girl-inspired cocktails at the bar, including the “Lonely Boy” and “Jenny’s Tartlet”. See you there, xoxo.

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Where: 44 West 63rd Street, New York

30 Rock

Image: NBC

30 Rock scenes set inside the infamous Rockefeller Centre were mostly filmed in a studio on Long Island, Queens, given it’s very much an operational office building today, but, as in Friends, the exterior shots of the building were the real deal.

Where: Rockefeller Plaza, 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York

Sex and the City

Image: HBO

Sex and the City’s six seasons all spotlighted most of NYC, and who could forget the iconic scene where Carrie and Big fall into the pond? It was shot at the Loeb Boathouse at Central Park, which is freely accessible to members of the public and a popular place to hire paddleboats on a spring or summer’s day.

Where: East 72nd St, New York


Image: NBC

Seinfeld is arguably the most iconic sitcom of all time, capturing audiences with its observational comedy. If you’ve ever wanted to grab a bite at Monk’s Diner with your pals, you can do so at Tom’s restaurant – sort of. While the interior scenes were filmed in an LA studio, Tom’s Restaurant in Brooklyn, where they shot the exterior shots, is very real and open for business.

Owned by the same family since the 1940s, it’s also popular with students at Nearby Columbia University, which may have something to do with the fact that it reportedly makes the best milkshake in NYC.

Where: 2880 Broadway, New York

Broad City

Image: Comedy Central

Broad City is based almost entirely on the streets of NYC. One of the series’ funniest episodes would have to be when Ilana transforms Abby into herself to cover her shift at the local co-op, in order to salvage her membership. You can find the co-op in Brooklyn, and perhaps even pick up some groceries while you’re there. Yasss, kween!

(Lead image: HBO)

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