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7 Ways To Celebrate May The Fourth And Let Your Nerd Flag Fly

7 Ways To Celebrate May The Fourth And Let Your Nerd Flag Fly

It’s here again guys, the absolute best day of the year for all nerds and the second best day in May (my birthday obviously being number one): May the 4th.

It’s not like we don’t have the time to go all out and indulge love of the best sci-fi series ever written — yeah I said it, and no I’m not including *those* JaJa Binks mishaps.

As I was absolutely going to research this anyway, I figured I’d pull together all the awesome ways you immerse yourself into Star Wars, and no, you don’t even need to leave the house.

#1 Binge-watch it, obviously


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This is in no way ground-breaking, but it’s still a bloody good thing to do. Fun Fact, I signed up to Disney+ purely to watch The Mandalorian, only to get distracted by the original three movies (Return Of The Jedi forever!).

Sign up for a free Disney+ trial to watch your favourites from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars & more.

#2 Eat a Chewbacca pretzel

I kid you not, Pretzel Australia are making Chewie Pretzels from Biscoff brown sugar cookie butter and caramel. They’re available in Perth and Melbourne.

#3 Build your own force


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If I was a millionaire, I would honestly spend all my money on Star Wars Lego. To be honest, I spend far too much of my dimes on it anyway. I’m absolutely coveting this $800 Death star, but will probably stick with the $16 options.

#4 Get into cosplay


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Or just call it dressing up, whichever makes you more comfortable. The point is this is the perfect time to get creative and either DIY a Star Wars costume from whatever’s around the house, or investing in a real one.

#5 Talk like Yoda


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For real, I double DARE you to try talking like Yoda for a full day. Yes, that’s even in your work Zoom meetings. It’s so much harder than you realise, but it’s entertaining.

#6 Make A Star Wars cocktail


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Yes, of COURSE these exist. I mean you could absolutely just make any cocktail, cheers with a “may the force be with you” and be done with it, OR you could give these recipes, or these ones a try. Please some out for Queen Carrie Fisher.

#7 Follow Luke Skywalker


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By which I mean absolutely do yourself a favour and follow Mark Hamill’s Instagram page, @markhamillhimself. It’s just the most wholesome thing.

However your decide to best spend the day, May The Fourth be with you.

(Lead Image: Star Wars)

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