Reddit’s ‘Accidental Wes Anderson’ Shows The World’s Most Whimsical Spots
Wes Anderson‘s films have a very recognisible look. Washed out pastels, symmetrical buildings, whimsical furnishings laid out in perfectly considered places.
And so, Reddit has banded together to share pictures of landmarks that look like they’re straight out of a Wes Anderson film. The thread, called ‘Accidental Wes Anderson’, encapsulates everything weird and unique about the director’s style. From bus-stops, to auditoriums, to swimming pools, there’s a bit of colourful retro all around the world that could be mistaken for a film set.
There’s this convent school in Bangkok, Thailand.
And this locker room in North Korea.
Even trains in Brussels have a Wes vibe.
There’s this auditorium in North Korea.
As well as these two homes in Vietnam.
This ferry shelter in Hampshire, United Kingdom is absolutely Anderson-esque.
So is this Viking Church in Iceland.
Another retro auditorium giving us Anderson vibes in Constantine, Algeria.
And this impeccably designed pool.
BRB, we’re off to watch Moonrise Kingdom and Grand Budapest Hotel for some travel inspo.
(Lead image: Singapore/imgur)