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Let It All Out At LA’s Museum Of Broken Relationships

Let It All Out At LA’s Museum Of Broken Relationships

It’s a fact of life that relationships change. They go through peaks and troughs, they grow stronger, they crumble, and some eventually come to an end, leaving you with a tonne of questions, some hot tears, and some baggage – both emotional and literal. Now, instead of throwing those physical relationship reminders away, a museum in LA is asking if you’d consider donating those relics to them instead.

Like the Croatian version before it, LA’s Museum of Broken Relationships is a collective history of emotion, where sentimental items from past relationships are displayed anonymously, along with a story about the object’s significance.


From irons that were used to press wedding suits to a wall of left-behind bras, the museum aims to help unburden the emotional load of ruined relationships and explore what human connection means to us. Also, it’s a hell of a place to spend Valentine’s Day – especially if you’re single.

Objects and mementos can be donated from around the world, so if you don’t know what to do with that Bob’s Burgers pin your ex gifted you that you just can’t bring yourself to throw out, now you can turn that heartbreak into hangable art.

(Photos: Museum of Broken Relationships)

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