A London Tube Station Counted Down To ‘Game Of Thrones’ In The Cutest Way

Josephine is a staff writer at Junkee Media. You can…
In the lead up to Game of Thrones’ seventh season, there’s been a lot of speculating, waiting and rewatching of old episodes. Turns out, the powers that be at Kings Cross station in London are big fans, and have been getting right into the spirit.
The famous station — popular among fantasy fans as the home of platform 9 and 3/4 — has been posting Game of Thrones quotes every day in anticipation for the new season instead of, you know, actual service information.
This one was posted five days before the first episode dropped, reminding commuters of one of Tyrion Lannister’s finer moments.
Haha, found this at King's Cross station yesterday. #kingscross #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/w8baIWLAeY
— Jack Dowd (@stforce1) July 13, 2017
As you can imagine, commuters are absolutely loving the Underground geek-out, like this one, posted three days before the premiere.
Especially when the quotes get really profound, like this travel inspo from Oberyn (RIP).
But some things are too soon, Kings Cross Station. They’ll always be too soon. </3
#got @ kings cross station@tfl
BRILLIANT! pic.twitter.com/L4D9AVcglR— Life Via Ai (@LifeViaAi) July 15, 2017
With the first episode coming out today (#0DaysToGoT), we’re glad Kings Cross’GoT spirit got London over the line. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’ll eagerly awaiting Gendry’s return.
(Lead image: @Vivekserou / Twitter)
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Josephine is a staff writer at Junkee Media. You can find her words on AWOL, The Cusp, food she bagsed in the fridge.