Instagrammer Of The Week: @jarradseng
We’re pleased as punch to feature @jarradseng as our Instagrammer Of The Week, mainly because we’re actually in awe of his pictures. We’re also in awe of his climbing abilities – most of his snaps are taken from extreme heights. Whether it’s the top of a skyscraper or a super tall waterfall, you’ll find Jarrad and his camera there, snapping away sans fear. Take a peek at five of our favourite Instagram shots below – but maybe look away if you really hate heights.
Sitting high up over Shanghai. Not a bad view.
Hanging ten over some rocks in Canterbury, New Zealand.
Hair #onpoint in front of a beautiful green backdrop.
Sitting on top of the world in Barcelona.
Jarrad sure does live life on the (l)edge – this particular one is in the beautiful Blue Mountains.
See more from @jarradseng here and don’t forget to follow @awol_aus for more travel inspiration.