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Imagine The Party You Could Have On This Hotel In The Middle Of The Ocean

Imagine The Party You Could Have On This Hotel In The Middle Of The Ocean

There’s unique hotels, and then there’s this guy – a refurbished Victorian era fort off the coast of Portsmouth in England. Don’t say you’re not a little bit intrigued…


Sleeping 44 guests, No Man’s Fort is probably one of the weirder holiday destinations out there, but that doesn’t mean it lacks any sense of charm.

The historic fort sits right off the coast of the UK’s Isle of Wight and was built between the years 1867 and 1880. For a long period of time, the fort functioned to protect the naval city of Portsmouth and the south coast of England from French invaders (though the invasion never came).


The mammoth man-made fort was eventually sold by the Ministry of Defence in the ’80s, but not before featuring in an episode of Doctor Who in 1971. These days it’s functioning as a boutique venue and hotel, with 360 degree ocean views and a bunch of on-fort activities.


Holding up to 200 guests, No Man’s Fort includes (wait for it): two helipads, a nightclub, a laser-tag room, snooker tables, a gallery restaurant, a wine bar, a spa and a golf driving range on the roof (with biodegradable golf balls, of course).


I know where I’m holding my next extravagant birthday party.

A night on No Man’s Fort will set you back £800 per person (which is about $1490AUD) and includes a return boat trip, a tour of the fort, all meals and use of all facilities.

Check out Qantas flights to London here or use the fare finder below.

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