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Have You Been To All 10 Of The Countries That Aussies Frequent The Most?

Have You Been To All 10 Of The Countries That Aussies Frequent The Most?

There’s a weird contrast here in Australia; despite being one of the most geographically isolated countries in the world, we bloody love to travel. New research shows that that more and more of us are venturing overseas than ever before, and it also reveals our collective destinations of choice.

The Roy Morgan Institute polled Australians to determine just what percentage of us are travelling overseas on our next holiday, and which countries are topping our bucket lists. Ten years ago, 6 percent of Australians reported that they were planning to go overseas on their next holiday; that figure has since risen to 10.6 percent in 2016.

So where is everyone heading to, and which countries have been totally #trending in the last ten years? Destinations that saw the biggest growth in popularity were Japan, the Unites States and Indonesia. England saw the biggest dip in popularity with a seven percent drop, however it still came in at number three on the list of places Aussies are heading to overseas.

And the number one destination for Strayans? This hasn’t changed in the last decade, with a whopping one in five Australians planning a future trip to New Zealand. With its universally adored capital city, its buffet of natural delights, its overload of adventurous experiences, and – the clincher – its proximity to Australia, it’s really no surprise. Hell, it was even voted the world’s favourite country, it’s that likeable.

Cathedral Cove in the Coromandel Peninsula. Photo: Bec Capp

Check out the top ten overseas destinations for Aussies below:

#10 Fiji
#9 Italy
#8 France
#7 Thailand
#6 Indonesia
#5 Singapore
#4 Japan
#3 England
#2 United States
#1 New Zealand


(Lead image: Bec Capp)

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