Festival Bucket List: Electric Forest Festival


What: A four-day forest jam, Electric Forest Festival brings together dirt dance floors and fantasy electronica in the idyllic wilds of Michigan.
Where: The Double JJ Resort in Rothbury, Michigan, USA
When: Annually at the end of June

Capacity: 30,000
Fun Fact: Raising the bar for destination festivals in the 21st century, the organisers of the Electric Forest Festival take care to minimise the festival’s impact on the environment with attendees rewarded with Electrocology points for cleaning up and recycling. These points can then be redeemed for special merchandise and prizes.
Why should you go? The immersive and enchanting forest brings with it tucked-away magic, from surprise performances to hidden light displays. You’ll be swaying with the best electronic and jam bands around, and serendipity might place you in just the right place at the right time to see some of the coolest art and light shows in the country. Lose your inhibitions in the wilderness and embrace the weird and wonderful.
