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Say Bonjour To These 8 ‘Emily In Paris’ Filming Locations For Your Paris Bucket List

Say Bonjour To These 8 ‘Emily In Paris’ Filming Locations For Your Paris Bucket List

Emily in Paris Season 3

Love it or hate it, Netflix’s Emily In Paris is your easy-to-watch, virtual Parisian holiday – and God knows we could all use one of those right about now.

If you don’t mind sitting through some pretty flogged USA/French stereotypes, you’ll probably find Sex and The City creator Darren Starr’s latest series a fun watch. It’s been topping the Netflix charts for days for a reason.

One heady side effect of a solid binge is that you’ll be swept away by the beauty of Paris (and a certain French neighbour). Just when we’d gotten used to the idea of being en Australie, you’ll be reminded of how absolutely brilliant it is to travel to faraway places with sexy, interesting people. Lucas Bravo, marry me.


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The series follows Emily (Lily Collins), a small town girl living in Chicago who nabs a work secondment in Paris. Filmed on location, many of the places seen in the show are real locations and restaurants you can visit yourself.

Here is your future bucket list inspo, a la Emily in Paris (minus the obvious haunts like the Eiffel Tower etc).

#1 Place de l’Estrapade


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Located in Paris’ fifth arrondissement, Place de l’Estrapade is a small hidden square near the Pantheon. It also happens to be Emily’s new ‘hood, where her chambre de bonne (former servant’s quarters turned budget apartments) is situated.

The square has a charming fountain and is the real-life location of the local bakery, Boulangerie Moderne, where she takes a bite of her first French pain au chocolat. The square is also where she has brekkie with new friend Mindy, sitting down at Café De La Nouvelle Mairie, right by her apartment.


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And that charming restaurant helmed by hot chef neighbour Gabriel (Lucas Bravo)? Also a real place in Place de l’Estrapade, although named differently for the series. IRL it’s known as Terra Nera and serves Italian food.

#2 Jardin Du Palais Royal


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A good way to lift your spirits after being brutally rebuffed by your new workmates is to take your lunch at the Jardin Du Palais Royal, both a place of historical importance and the perfect to sit and admire the view.

#3 Pont Des Arts


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You might know this as the famous lock bridge where lovers pledge themselves to each other using padlocks. Emily visits here on her first day in Paris and also checks out a nearby waterfront café called Le Flore En L’ile which is famous for its ice cream.

Nearby in the 6th, at the heart of the chic St.-Germain-des-Prés, you’ll find iconic Café de Flore, one of the oldest coffeehouses in Paris, favoured by thinkers, writers and philosophers including Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.

#4 Pont Alexandre III


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Wedged between the 7th and 8th arrondissements is the Pont Alexandre III, where the perfume commercial is shot. It’s known as France’s prettiest bridge.

#5 Atelier des Lumières


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With her two new mates, Emily is taken to a Van Gogh exhibit at the avant-garde museum Atelier des Lumières. Known for its immersive digital exhibitions, it’s definitely a museum to add to your Paris list. In the meantime, catch Van Gogh Alive in Sydney.

#6 Rue de l’Abreuvoir


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Mindy takes Emily to “the prettiest street in Paris” after a fun night out. Rue de l’Abreuvoir is at Grandes-Carrières, near the Montmartre Cemetery in the 11th, close to La Maison Rose where they have a drink.

#7 Lulu La Nantaise and Le Grand Véfour


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Two more spots worth checking out for a feed include Lulu La Nantaise in the 10th is, a popular creperie near the Quai Jemappes and where Emily had that awkward double date with Camille and Gabriel.

And that upscale restaurant Emily tries to bluff her way into? Le Grand Vefour, a legitimately two-Michelin-starred affair.

#8 Champagne


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Obviously this one isn’t in Paris, but it’s the only place in the world where true champagne is from, Champagne is a gorgeous region to the northeast of Paris is where you’ll find the vineyards of the likes of Mumm, Veuve, Ruinart and Tattinger and more.

In the series, Château de Lalisse is a fictional name for Camille’s family home in Champagne, but it was actually filmed at the very real Château de Sonnay, a winery in the Loire countryside.

(Lead Image: Netflix / Emily In Paris)

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