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A Bunch Of Boozy ‘Igloos’ Have Popped Up Along Sydney Harbour

A Bunch Of Boozy ‘Igloos’ Have Popped Up Along Sydney Harbour

If you’re in Sydney at the moment, there’s a good chance you’ve been lulled into a false sense of security by some unseasonably warm weather. But winter is well and truly here, and it’s not going anywhere – for a month or two, at least.

Fortunately, all that unpleasantness needn’t interfere with your social life: this week, a slew of “igloos” have popped up along the waterfront at Pier One Sydney with the express purpose of giving cool folk somewhere to keep warm and clink glasses.

With drinks by G.H. Mumm Champagne and St. Hugo Wines, the man-made domes are fitted with comfy chairs, cosy rugs, fireplaces, and unrivalled views of the world’s most famous harbour. There’s also comfort food like toasties, pies, soup, and treats available to order.

Pier One Domes on The Pier_130717__credit_JACQUIEMANNING-049

It’s worth noting that you can’t just rock up – bookings are essential and can be made via the Pier One website. A single dome starts from $400, with space for between five and 10 people, so grab a gang and while away the winter evenings together.

Pier One Domes on The Pier_130717__credit_JACQUIEMANNING-110

(All photos: Pier One Sydney)

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