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Disney Has Announced It’s Opening An ‘Avatar’ Theme Park

Disney Has Announced It’s Opening An ‘Avatar’ Theme Park

Fans of Avatar rejoice! A new themed amusement park has been announced as an extension to Disney World Florida, and the photos look amazing. While details are scarce, we do know you’re likely to be both fed and thrilled within the grounds.

Satu’li Canteen will be the main eatery in the park, and we’re pretty excited to find out the themed food they’ll be selling. And no Quaritch, you can’t sit with us. If you’re just after a drink though there will allegedly be a Pongu Pongu watering hole, because perfect.


You can head to the “Windtraders” gift-shop to commemorate your trip to the 22nd century, where you’ll likely be able to pick up memorabilia that we very much hope includes some detachable ears and a bow and arrow.


Rides wise, there have been two formal announcements with more info to come. What we do know is that one ride is a simulator attraction called ‘Flight Of Passage’, which will allow punters to fly through on a Mountain Banshee.

Then there’s the Na’vi River Journey, which sounds a little more relaxing. You’re encouraged to chill out and take in the sights of Pandora. The effects will  include audio-animatronics and small droplets of water throughout.

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Pandora – The World of Avatar, will officially be opening mid-next year. Time to start planning your trip to the States.

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