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You Can Now Cuddle With Cute-As-Hell Cows In The Name Of Health And Wellness

You Can Now Cuddle With Cute-As-Hell Cows In The Name Of Health And Wellness

You know who’s got life figured out? Cows. Weird, I know, but just think about it for a second. Free-range cows are adorable, they snack all day long without any PT raising an eyebrow, and it must be impossible to say anything embarrassing when all you can say is “moo”. Cows, man.

Lucky for us, these bovines are benevolent, and want to share the secret to happiness with you.


Mountain Horse Farm now offers “cow cuddling” sessions, and they’re as wholesome as they sound. The farm in upstate New York is home to two cows named Bonnie and Bella, who live out their days roaming green pastures – and being patted, brushed and loved by visitors.


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A cow cuddling session is all about forming a connection with the animals, getting close to the natural world and finding peace and quietness. You’ll get an hour to hang out with Bonnie and Bella, two legendary cuddle buddies with sensitive, intuitive natures.


Bonnie is playful, curious and brave, and wants to befriend everyone as long as they pat her. According to the Mountain Horse Farm website, eating is one of Bella’s greatest joys – girl, same.

The farm’s owners, Suzanne and Rudi Vullers, will introduce you to the sweet girls, and they’re always on site to make sure the cows feel comfortable.

The cows are free to decide when and how they want to interact with guests. But most of the time, they choose to plonk themselves down on the grass next to you and totally chill out.

An hour-long cow cuddling session costs US$75 (AU$106), and can be booked on its own or as part of a stay at Mountain House Farm.

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(Lead image: Mountain Horse Farm)

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