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Corgi Beach Parties Are Here To Prove There Is A Heaven On Earth

Corgi Beach Parties Are Here To Prove There Is A Heaven On Earth

Corgi Con is a monthly meet up of extremely cute boys, and the next one is coming to Huntington Beach, California on Saturday 23 June.

The last time Corgi Con was held, 950 corgi puppies descended on Ocean Beach, California to run their stumpy little legs around on the sand. There were costume contests, races, and a whole lot of getting-to-know-yous for doggos and owners alike.


This Saturday, they’re adding a whole lot more cuteness to the line-up. We know what you’re thinking: Impossible! How could they? I’m already weeping with joy! According to the Facebook event page, they’re trying to break the world record and get 1200 (!!) Corgis for #thebiggestcorgipartyontheplanet.

Image: Corgi Con / Facebook

There’ll be a Corgi Cardigan contest, Corgi Watermelon Eating contest, Corgi kissing booth, and a Corgi Bubble Spectacular. Judges will also be deciding on the best “Corgi butt” to decide which pupper has the best momo. IMPORTANT.


Corgis can get a free “pawdicure”, or get their photo taken at the free photo kiosk. They can also eat some delicious food from one of the many food trucks scheduled to be at the event. Sure, owners can as well, but dammit, this isn’t about them.

Image: Corgi Con / Facebook

Devastatingly, Corgi Con seems to be a California-only event. But if you wanted to book a trip lined up with one of these monthly meet-ups, you have our full support.

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(Lead image: Corgi Con / Facebook)

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