We Ranked The Best Sour Lollies Now That Allen’s Has Joined The Mix

Kassia is the Editor of AWOL, and a straight-up travel…
Hello, it is I, travel enthusiast and sour gummy lolly expert. It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it. Especially now that Allen’s have released a sour version of their Frogs alive and, as we know, not all sour gummies are created equal.
Here is my definitive ranking so you’ll never buy bad sour lollies again.
#1 Trolli / Gummi Sour Worms
There never has, and I strong suspect never will be, a better sour candy than the humble Trolli/ Gummi brand sour worms. Especially the pick and blue ones.
#2 Haribo anything
As far as gummy lollies in general go, the German genius of Haribo clearly wins. When it comes to sour though, they’re second only to the sour worms. Their sour cherries and coke bottles though? Divine.
#3 Sour straps
I have genuinely no idea who manufactures these, they just always show up either in giant form at any sort of carnival, or in the usual smaller straps that graced your school canteen. They will literally burn your tongue but it’s worth it.
#4 Allens Sour Frogs Alive
They’re actually surprisingly good, but they’re not about to overtake the masters. The sour powder is genuinely sour, and once it’s gone it’s like eating a regular Frogs Alive.
#5 Sour Ears
Again no idea of a brand on these, but every lolly store that lets you pick and mix your little $2 bag always has these Sour Ears and they’re actually delightful.
#6 Sour Clouds
They sure look cute, but I could never really get into these little red clouds, although the blueberry version was better — apparently there’s a grape version too.
#7 Natural Confectionary Company Sour Worms
Honestly, these are a hard pass from the me. The sour dust outside isn’t even that sour, and the taste of the actual lolly is blah. I only included them at all because I knew people would wonder otherwise.
(Lead Image: Provided by Allen’s Lollies / Pexels Sharon McCutcheon / Instagram @joysdelights)
Kassia is the Editor of AWOL, and a straight-up travel addict. She was born without a sense of direction, yet an intense desire to explore the world. As such, she's lost 90% of the time but she's learned to roll with it. You can catch her latest adventures on Instagram @probably_kassia.