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It’s Official: Aussies Plan To Spend More Money On Travel Than Anything Else

It’s Official: Aussies Plan To Spend More Money On Travel Than Anything Else

Australians Are Spending More Money On Travel Expenses Than Anything according to a study by

Turns out, when we’re not buying smashed avo and coffee, Aussies want to spend most of our money on travel. Forgive us, but we ain’t shocked.

A study by asked people aged 16 to 24, from Aus and around the world how they like to spend their money in the next five years. A full 56 percent of Australians said that “travel and seeing the world” was their biggest priority when it comes to throwing down their fat stacks of cash.


We ranked literally everything else on the list, like buying clothes, tech and saving money for a wedding wayyy below this. The only thing that came close was saving money for a house, which also came in at 56 percent.

Australians Are Spending More Money On Travel Expenses Than Anything according to a study by

The study also confirmed that we Aussies are an adventurous bunch – 56 percent of us want an adrenaline thrill from our holidays, like going paragliding or bungee jumping, and just over half of us are planning on visiting or trekking to an extreme location.


Of those surveyed, 39 percent have big plans to visit at least three countries over the next ten years, and we’re more than happy to go off on these adventures solo – more than a third of young Australians plan to travel on their own in the near future.

Another champion of the study is the trusty bucket list – 75 percent of women and 62 percent of men have a bucket list, and a lot of us get inspo from Instagram. But 20 percent of you guys like to live life on the edge and travel impulsively. ‘Onya.

Look, the point is – don’t deny the travel bug. Give into it, let the travel flow through you. And if your boss asks why you need a month off from work just say it’s science and that you don’t make the rules.

And if you want some extra money to throw around, you could win a $3k travel voucher in Sydney‘s Man Vs Pho eating competition. Just sayin’.

Check out Qantas flights to begin your next adventure.

(Lead image: / supplied)

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