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Is The Atlantic Ocean Road The World’s Most Amazing Drive?

Is The Atlantic Ocean Road The World’s Most Amazing Drive?

Atlantic Ocean Road in Norway

Norway’s Atlantic Ocean Road, located in the mid-west part of the country’s coastline, is an 8.3km drive linking the islands that punctuate the Norwegian Sea. The roller-coaster road crosses eight bridges totalling 900 metres in length, including the iconic Storseisundet Bridge, often referred to as the “drunk bridge” which lurches at angles that seem impossible.

Atlantic Ocean Road in Norway

The road teetering on the edge of the sea is often referred to as one of the most beautiful roads in the world, but it can also be one of the most treacherous. On a stormy day, the rough Norwegian sea bashes against the road dramatically, sometimes reaching above the barriers.

Atlantic Ocean Road in Norway

In fact, the harsh weather even halted the construction of the bridge – the area was hit with 12 hurricanes while it was being built in the ’80s, stretching out the construction time to over six years.

Atlantic Ocean Road in Norway

On a clear day, however, the fjords provide the perfect backdrop to the trip, so you can take your time while taking in the phenomenal views.

Atlantic Ocean Road in Norway

Norway is calling!

This post was originally published on December 30th, 2014 and has since been updated.

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