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Airbnb Has Solved The Worst Part Of Travelling With Friends

Airbnb Has Solved The Worst Part Of Travelling With Friends

planning a trip

Last Christmas, Airbnb asked its following on social media, ‘If Airbnb could launch anything in 2017, what would it be?’ Well, the people have spoken and it’s official – we’re all sick to death of splitting bills.

No longer will you be left with the tedious task of splitting the cost of that eight-person trip, because the accommodation service is making split payments available in the 191 countries and territories they service.


When splitting the cost, you pay your share when you book, and the reservation is put on hold until it’s paid in full. This means that payment is all sorted before you even arrive, meaning everybody has one less thing to worry about and more time to live it up.

Once you book a place you love, you invite your friends to pay, very similar to how you would split an Uber ride — they just need to have the Airbnb app downloaded on their device. Then you can see who’s paid, opt to pay someone else’s share if you like, or give them a friendly reminder to pay their share.

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If you’ve forgotten, Airbnb’s got you. They will give you a buzz 24 hours before the payment deadline to ensure your reservation isn’t cancelled.

Now that accommodation is basically as easy as ordering takeaway, what’s your excuse for not booking that holiday?

Book your next adventure with Qantas.

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