A Bag That Washes Your Clothes Has Been Invented To Make Travelling Way Less Gross

We all know the guilt that accrues when it’s been so long between washes that our luggage turns into a laundry bag on wheels.
Yes, we were meaning to take a day to do it in Amsterdam but everyone else was going to the pub. And yes, we could’ve stayed up late to do it at the hostel later that night but, sleep. Laundry is the lowest on the list of priorities when we’re travelling.
Sometimes all we need is a little refresher between washes, especially if we’ve got a strict schedule or laundry budget to adhere to. Enter the Paqsule.

The Paqsule is the travel bag of your dreams. It’s a duffel bag specifically designed to eliminate the odours and bacteria on all the gross stuff that’s in it. All it takes is the press of a button and your gym tights, sneakers and party dress will be a little less disgusting. It’s magic!* (*A combination of ultraviolet rays and activated oxygen.) Pure magic!
Not only does it steam clean your dirty clothes, it’s got a range of features that’ll make you think that your current duffel bag should be pulling more weight. There’s a phone charger, laptop sleeve, dedicated shoe compartment and bluetooth capability. How many phones has your bag charged lately? Probably none.

A campaign was set up on Kickstarter to get the design off the ground and as of writing, has more than doubled the goal amount. As such, first deliveries are expected to be sent off to buyers in June this year. For those who want to get in on the early bird deal, you have to pledge a squeaky clean AUD$365 to grab one here.
What a time to be alive.
(Lead photo: Paqsule/Facebook)