This App Helps Travellers Avoid Having To Wait Around For Hotel Check-Ins
Have you ever been on a flight that landed super early in the morning, but been told you can’t check into your hotel until 11am? It’s the worst, right? Unfortunately we’ve all been left, sometimes literally, out in the cold by the system of hotel check-in/check-out times. No one wants to head out into the world jetlagged, without a proper shower or a nap to feel reenergised. Luckily a new app is here to help with that.
Recharge helps users search nearby hotels and lets them book a room for minutes at a time – basically, however long you need to have a nap, shower, change your clothes or just… recharge.

Users can pay 66 cents USD (90c AUD) a minute, or $40USD ($54AUD) an hour to get a private room at any time of the day – including weekends. It’s currently only available in San Francisco, but the company has plans to expand.
You can use Recharge for pretty much anything that requires privacy or quiet: use it to shower after a run, get some peace and quiet for your daily meditation, or even use it to catch up on the latest episode of Westworld before it gets spoiled by a workmate.
And it’ll certainly help weary travellers looking for a quiet place to rest before tackling a new city.
Good stuff.
[related_articles]20982[/related_articles]Find out more about Recharge here.