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Check Out Australia’s First Video Game Console Museum

Check Out Australia’s First Video Game Console Museum

nostalgia box

Whether it’s PONG, Crash Bandicoot, Sonic the Hedgehog or our master and commander Mario and Luigi – everyone’s got a favourite. And sure, video games have gotten more creative and high-tech in recent years, but there’s really nothing like going back to your old friends and partaking in an hour or two of smashing shells and descending down plumbing tubes to mysterious underground worlds.


The guys at The Nostalgia Box agree, so they decided to open Australia’s only interactive video game console museum, and oh god, it looks so awesome. Just five more minutes, pleeeeeease.

nostalgia box perth
nostalgia box perth

Located in Northbridge in Perth, The Nostalgia Box showcases 100 gaming consoles, some dating back to the ’70s, and others just fresh outta the box. You can learn a little gaming history and reminisce about the time you used to play duck hunt on your OG Nintendo when you were younger.


Oh and don’t worry, there’s a dedicated gaming area complete with all your old faves – Mortal Combat, Alex Kidd, Pacman, Space Invaders – on all your favourite consoles too. Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Sega… you’ll be transported back to 1994 in no time.

nostalgia box perth
nostalgia box

Entry costs $16.50, and you’ll get free reign on any console – you just might have to fight a five-year-old to get your hands on that original Super Mario game. It’s a popular one.

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