10 New Year’s Resolutions For People Who Love To Travel

With the dawn of 2016 finally here, it’s time to lock in our resolutions for the new year. For most of us, that usually includes getting out there and travelling more – but with great travel comes great responsibility, so we’ve decided to pull together a few New Year’s resolutions for likeminded travellers who are planning on seeing more of the world in 2016. Building on from last year’s list, here’s 10 more resolutions for travellers to take onboard for 2016.
#1 Just do it
We resolve to stop making excuses to not go travelling. After all, we’ve worked hard and deserve to see this great big world while we can. Let’s get inspired, get motivated and get out there.
#2 Deeeeeep breaths
In 2015, we resolve to be patient in the face of things we cannot change like airport customs lines (ugh) and delayed hotel check-ins (double ugh). We won’t sweat the small stuff either.
#3 Put down the phone
While abroad, we resolve to restrict our Wi-Fi usage for once a day for only 15 minutes max, because mindlessly scrolling through Facebook is not how we want to spend a holiday. Oh and let’s make sure not a minute of that screen time will be spent on work emails, OK?
#4 See where the wind takes us
We resolve to leave an entire day of our trip completely unplanned, just to see what happens. Everyone knows aimless adventures are the best kind of adventures.
#5 Stop caring how we look
Let’s admit it – sometimes we care a little too much about what we look like while travelling. We must accept the fact that travelling means ditching our timely daily routines and keeping things quick and simple. Take solace in the fact that no one will be judging you for wearing the same denim shirt three days in a row – who even cares?
#6 Get out of our comfort zone
Some of the best travel stories happen once you leave the safety of your comfort zone. Once you’ve begun trying things you never thought you’d try, or eating things you never thought you’d eat, or going where you’d never thought you’d go – that‘s when things start getting a little more interesting. We resolve to try that raw horse meat in Tokyo, picnic hanging over the edge of that gorge in Victoria or make 2016 the year we discard stereotypes and travel to Colombia.
#7 Pack less
2016 will be the year we pack lighter, smarter and faster. No more deliberating over that fourth pair of shoes – we’ll leave them behind to make room for the cool new things we come across on our travels.
#8 Head interstate
Mini trips are just as good as long trips and you don’t have to deal a long plane ride. We resolve to hop on over to a neighbouring state, visit friends, and soak up all that our great big backyard has to offer. Here’s 10 fun idea for your next Australian adventure for inspiration.
#9 Ditch the bus
We resolve to skip the bus ride and walk around 10,000 steps each day. This way we’ll see a whole new side of our destination and maybe even stumble upon a few hidden gems we would otherwise zip past.
#10 Onwards and upwards
We resolve to start saving for the next trip as soon as we get back from the last – that way we’re always ready for new adventures.
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